Processing of grants for electoral expenses

30% advance payment (Article 127 bis Organic Law 5/1985, General Electoral System)


It will be applied for by the electoral Administrators between 7th and 9th May:

  • To the Provincial Electoral Boards, if the candidate does not stand in more than one province.

  • Before the Central Electoral Board, if the candidate stands in more than one province.


The advance payment will be made available to the Electoral Administrators by the Directorate General for Domestic Policy from 15th May, provided that:

  • The Central Electoral Board forwards the applications made by the Administrators of the political entities to the above-mentioned Directorate General.

  • The applicant formations designate their bank account remotely on the Treasury’s website ( new window will open), as well as their electoral expenditure accounts, and provide the Directorate General for Domestic Policy with the bank account designation form, duly completed, stamped by the banking institution and signed by the Administrator.

The holder of the electoral expenditure accounts must belong to the formation.

If there is any difficulty in designating the account with the Treasury, the following email address can be contacted dgpi.financiació

  • The identification details of the electoral Administrator are communicated by providing the Administration’s ID card.

Advance payments will be granted for both electoral results and deliveries to the parties, federations and coalitions that received grants for electoral expenses at the last European Parliament elections held in 2019. Groupings of voters are not entitled to this advance.

90% advance payment (Article 133.4 Organic Law 5/1985, General Electoral System)


  • Having obtained elected Deputies.

  • Submitting to the Court of Audit the accounts of the expenses incurred during the electoral campaign for the local elections, between 100 and 125 days after 9th June (between 17th September and 12th October of the current year). Said submission will apply whether the formation has obtained an elected candidate or otherwise but has received the 30% advance payment.

  • Constitution of a guarantee for 10% of the advance payment of 90% to be received (bank guarantee or cash deposit placed in the Deposit Boxes). The deadline to substantiate the provision of the guarantee is one month after the notification of the quantification of the 90% advance payment sent to the electoral Administrators by the Directorate General for Domestic Policy. If the 10% deposit is not made, the grant is processed withholding said amount as a percentage of the quantification made, as a result of which a payment of 81% will be made.

  • Certification issued by the relevant body as proof of the elected persons’ acquisition of the full status of members of the relevant Local Corporation and the effective exercise of the posts to which they have been elected, if so approved by the Electoral Administration. (It is not necessary if it is not approved)

  • This advance payment will not be granted when a political entity includes persons convicted by a judgement, even if it is not a final one, for crimes of rebellion or terrorism or against the Public Administration or the Institutions of the State when the latter has established the penalty of disqualification from the exercise of the right to stand for election or that of absolute or special disqualification or suspension from public employment or office under the terms provided for in the criminal law.

Settlement (Article 134.5 Organic Law 5/1985, General Electoral System)


  • The Court of Audit scrutinises the electoral accounts and submits the corresponding report to the Joint Commission for relations with the Court of Audit.

  • The above-mentioned commission issues the relevant resolution, which is published in the Official State Gazette.

  • Once the resolution of the Joint Commission has been published in the Official State Gazette, the Directorate General for Domestic Policy issues the appropriate resolutions with the final and definitive amounts that apply to the political entities.