Accessible signage

As a result of the agreement signed in 2021 by the Ministry of the Interior(A new window will open) and the Plena Inclusión España (Full Inclusion Spain) association, a pilot project was launched during the 2023 Local and General Elections, whereby posters aimed at facilitating cognitive accessibility (people with intellectual disabilities, the elderly) were distributed in polling places in the city of Madrid, a project which also featured the collaboration of the Government Delegation of the Government of Spain in Madrid.

This project consisted of a total of seven pictograms designed by Plena Inclusión to make it easier to enter and move around the polling place.

Following the warm welcome to this initiative, as part of the commitment to approve further measures to facilitate access to the electoral process for the most vulnerable groups, this project will be extended to all the capital cities of the Autonomous Communities, and to the Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla, during the European Parliament Elections to be held on 9 June.

These are the signage models and a guide for displaying them: