Accessible voting procedure for blind and visually impaired people

Royal Decree 1612/2007

Who can use this procedure?

Blind or visually impaired people, registered on the electoral roll, who know how to use the Braille system and who have a certified degree of disability equal to or greater than 33% or who are members of the ONCE can request the accessible voting kit containing standard ballot papers and envelopes accompanied by complementary documentation in Braille.

The accessible voting kit must be given to each applicant on election day at the polling station where they have to vote.

The application

The accessible voting kit can be requested via a call to the Ministry of the Interior’s free phone number 900 150 000 between 16 April and 13 May (both inclusive).

The voter’s name and surname, address, ID (DNI) number and a contact telephone number must be provided.

The vote

The elector must go to their polling station on election day, where they will be given the accessible voting kit requested after presenting their ID.

The use of this procedure is voluntary, so that blind or visually impaired electors can still be assisted by a trusted person on election day.

The accessible voting kit contains everything necessary to guarantee the right to vote autonomously and in secret:

  • Ballot papers and envelopes identical to those used by the entire electorate.

  • Supplementary documentation in Braille with instructions on the contents of the kit and its use.

With the accessible voting kit, these electors will be able to go to the spaces provided near the polling station, in order to be able to privately handle their documentation.

They can also take the kit outside the polling place and return later to cast their vote.

The elector will then go to the polling station, where they will have to show their identification documentation:

  • ID (the receipt of the ID in process is not valid, as the photograph does not appear on it).
  • Passport. After voting, the voter is advised to take the voting kit with them, together with any remaining materials, in order to ensure the secrecy of the vote cast.