Electoral Administration

The Ministry of the Interior is responsible for the preparation and execution of the Government’s policy in relation to the promotion of the conditions for the exercise of fundamental rights, under the terms established in the Spanish Constitution and its implementing laws. It is also responsible for carrying out the necessary actions for the implementation of the electoral processes. The Directorate General of Internal Policy, which reports to the Sub-Secretariat of the Ministry of the Interior, is responsible for the following functions, among others:

a) The management of the powers of the Ministry of the Interior with regard to electoral processes and direct consultations with the electorate.

b) Maintaining the necessary relations with the Electoral Administration and, in particular, the Central Electoral Board.

c) The management of relations with the competent bodies of the Autonomous Communities and cities with a Statute of Autonomy in electoral matters.

d) Coordination with the Units dependent on other Ministries with powers in electoral matters, in addition to coordination with the Government Delegations and Sub-Delegations in this sphere.

e) The administration and coordination of IT and communication developments for electoral process management.

f) The planning, management and coordination of cybersecurity actions in the electoral sphere and the coordination network for security in electoral processes. Similarly, participation in bodies, working groups and meetings whose purpose is to ensure security and combat disinformation in electoral processes.

g) Information relating to electoral processes, except for data relating to the electoral census.

h) Safeguarding and provisional publication of the election results.

i) Participation in the meetings of national, international and supranational bodies with competences in electoral matters.

j) The registration and implementation of the legal regime for political parties.

k) The management of the annual state grants and grants for electoral expenses of political formations, under the terms established in the current legislation.

In addition to the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise (to which the Electoral Census Office reports), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation (in relation to the exercise of the right of suffrage of Spaniards abroad) and Sociedad Estatal Correos y Telégrafos, S.A. (for postal voting) are all actively involved.

The State Secretariat for Communication (Presidency of the Government) also plays an important role in the electoral process (relations with the media, press conferences on election day, etc.)